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The Cutest Penguin's Webpage!!!
This site will have all the penguin pictures it can hold by the time I am done with it... :)
EleCtRa's PiXyFiRe UpDaTeS
I am downloading all of my penguin pics onto this site so just wait and check out more each day!!!
Heyo Fellow Penguin Lovers!!!
Welcome to my site and feel free to steal all the pictures you want because I stole them from other sites and I sure don't want to be a hypocrite!!!

EleCtRa's PiXiE NoTeS
Hey people make sure you sign my guest book before you leave... only if you like my site. I don't want any negative feedback!! Thank you!!

My lovely Dedlet from Record of Lodoss War
I hope you have some idea of what I am talking about... because if you don't... this site might not be for you??