EleCtRa's MyStIcAl PrEsEnCe
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Me?? EleCtRa? What an interesting topic!!
Me?? You actually want to know about me?? That's a first... you actually made it this far before casting my site away like used toilet paper?? I would like to thank my parents who made me what I am today, I would also like to... oh whoops was I rambling?? Anyway I was just about to thank my best friend Kells Bells whom I love dearly... no... I am not a Lesbian. :)No actually I am completly and unutterably straight!!! For all those single guys out there who read this... I am single and a hot babe!! Oooh and if you would like to see if you are a match with me... go to Sparkmatch.com and take the love test. You can find if you are compatible with me by looking my name up in the directory under Electra486. I guess I talk a lot but oh well. I am Russian, and I am really nice... except to preps whom I hate with all my heart!!! By the way you might as well know that if you are one of the preps and are looking at my web site then get off before I have to bitch slap you!! I mean it!! But if are a cool person.. skaters for example.. you may stay on as long as you want!! I, am a skater myself and love the open street(haha you were supposed to laugh) I am sorry I have no sense of humor... GET OVER IT!! I have an Element with pink Spitfire wheels and Destructo trucks. (yes pink wheels)

Oh well the more important thing to tell you is that I am a freak who loves penguins!!! They are so cute I just love them to death!!! Ok well make sure to check out my custom pages and phot pages because that is where all the pics are!!!

Penguins Galore!!!

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